TLC Day for the Retired

11 Sep 2025 10:00 - 14:00
Course Leader: The Ammerdown Centre
Course Date: Thursday 11 September
Course Options: £19
Course Timings: 10am-2pm
Course Code: TLC0825
Course Information:
These days invite those who are retired to enjoy a talk or activity, two course cooked lunch, an optional chapel service and time to chat and enjoy each others company.
This month we will be joined by Mich a el doing his talk 'A WRITER’S LIFE FOR ME' A necdotes from a va ried ca reer ,working everywhere from BBC Schools TV to Chucklevision , a s a n extra on Ga vin a nd Sta cey , a nd a s a n unlikely collea gue of the Pink Pa nther . La ugh out loud stuff!