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Advent Bible Study Zoom 2024

Advent Bible Study Zoom 2024
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19 Nov 2024 to 17 Dec 2024 19:00 - 20:00

Course Leader: Rupert Kaye

Course Date: Tuesdays 19 November - 17 December

Course Options: Zoom Donations Welcome

Course Timings:  7-8 pm

Course Code: Z2124

Course Information:

For Christians, Jesus is The Prince of Peace. This five-week Bible study is inspired by ‘The Prince of Peace in a World of Wars: Applying the Message of God’s love to a needy world’ – an Advent Bible study by David Kerrigan (2018, The Bible Reading Fellowship). Each week includes reflective questions and a short prayer.

Week 1: The Magnificent

Date: 19th November

Theme: The Nature of God

Bible Readings: Hannah’s prayer (1 Samuel 2:1–10) and Mary’s song (Luke 1:46–56).

Together, we will think about God as the one who lifts the humble, feeds the hungry, and sends the rich away empty. We will consider how the ministry of Jesus exemplifies these traits and what implications this has for our life choices.



Week 2: Shalom in the times to come

Date: 26th November

Theme: The nature of Jesus

Bible Reading: The Shoot of Jesse (Isaiah 1–3, 6–9) and The Son of God (Luke 3:23–38).


Join us to consider the significance of the ‘royal line’ from which Jesus is descended. We will consider our genealogies, asking if we see ourselves as descendants of Adam/Eve and sons/daughters of God.


Week 3: Sharing Peace with Strangers

Date: 3rd December

Theme: The nature of Jesus

Bible Reading: The Samaritan woman (John 4:1–15).

Together, we will discuss and consider a world where Peace is not just about the absence of conflict; it’s also about the presence of justice. Jesus brings love that is big enough to set both the oppressed and their oppressors free.


Week 4: Blessed are the Peacemakers.

Date: 10th December

Theme: A Christian manifesto for peace.

Bible Reading: The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:2–12) and Love your enemies (Matthew 5:43–48).

Join us to consider a world where peace is not just about the absence of conflict; it’s also about the presence of justice. Jesus brings love that is big enough to set both the oppressed and their oppressors free!


Week 5: World Peace!

Date: 17th December

Theme: God’s kingdom is justice and joy.

Bible Reading: There is no longer... (Galatians 3:23–29) and Members of the household of God (Ephesians 2:14–15, 19).

Join us to consider what God’s kingdom ‘on earth as it is in heaven’ will be like. Imagine a world where there is no racism, no xenophobia, no homophobia, no misogyny, no abuse, no exploitation, no prejudice, no persecution, no hatred, no violence, and no revenge.


Day Course

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